Yes Microinsurance Limited engages in the business of Microinsurance Sales and underwriting in line with the regulatory guidelines as recommended by National Insurance commission.

YES Microinsurance Limited is a limited liability company with the intention of engaging in the core business areas of Microinsurance Sales and Underwriting. The company was founded purely upon entrepreneurial spirit and expected to be driven principally by sound business principles with intellectual professionals.

Yes Microinsurance Limited is owned by diverse interests. The company engages in the business of Microinsurance Sales and underwriting in line with the regulatory guidelines as recommended by National Insurance commission.

The target market is the retailing end of the market, low income earners, Trade Associations, Agricultural farmers, Micro lenders, Small and Medium Scale businesses, Transportation, Traditional insurances with lower sum insured, Entertainment industry, and Government employees.

Curious to know more about our company? Have a look on here…

protecting you is our business

YES Microinsurance Limited is an underwriting firm focusing on areas of opportunity in consonance with the knowledge and skills of the promoters.


It offers financial protection in case of damage to the home or its contents against various risks such as fire, theft, natural disasters, and liability claims.

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credit life

Micro Loan Protection Policy covers beyond the basic credit life product so the borrower's beneficiary receives financial benefits.

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Guardians of Your Financial Well-being

YES Microinsurance Limited is an underwriting firm focusing on areas of opportunity in consonance with the knowledge and skills of the promoters.